Planet Travel

TravelBook サバコのパジャマジャ旅行記
Savako's Pajamaja Travel Book

A 100-page book written as a commemoration of my participation in a cheap travel agency's package tour, with 100 pages of photos and diary entries taken on the planet Pajamaja, as well as various local concert tickets and other scraps.
The PAJAMAJA TOUR provides a detailed historical-sociological look at the planet Pajamaja, from its sun, satellites, ground maps, buildings, and ethnographic data. However, the full picture has yet to be revealed.
img/2inbook.jpgThe 3rd

img/2inbook.jpg 1st book img/2inbook.jpg 2nd book img/2inbook.jpg 3rd book


The third Miniature book is ready!
It is a 2x2 inch (about 5x5 cm) miniature book that has a reputation for being cute. It is a collection of snapshots of PORTICO's travels to various countries. Actually, there was a tiny size PORTICO called MINIMINIMINI, and collectors took it with them and took pictures of it. The book is handmade, so we can't make a lot of them. Of course, we are looking forward to receiving your photos. Please send us an inquiry by e-mail.

The first book is Pajamaja Tour, a picture book of drawings of 9 districts. 13-page spread in the main book The second book is a photo book of Porcupine Popilin. The main volume is 18-page spread. The third book is a collection of travel snaps by Porcupine Popilin. Full-page 18-page spread.

「ポルチコ地球漫遊記」/ Portico's Globe trotter
Savako著 / Written by Savako
Submitted photo journal
ダガジグ出版発行 / Published by Dugazig publishingl
98頁 / 98 pages

original picture & explanation ©2022 SAVAKO PORTICO POPILYN